Is he very vocal about it? And why does he want that many? My husband says two and I want 4-5. I'm going to really try to get him to say yes to more!! :) Thanks!How many children does your husband want?
I want 2. If they aren't little devils and rebellious like me then we might have more.How many children does your husband want?
My husband had 2 children before I got with him, and together we have 1, total of 3 for him. Oddly enough we havent seriously sat down and talked about it, just kinda brought it up a couple times, and he isnt totaly opposed to the idea of 1 more, but he thinks that will push him into the grave having 4 children. :)
My husband is pretty flexible about this. While he would love lots of children, he's pretty much leaving that up to me (and God.) We have one daughter now and she's almost 18 months. I had originally planned to be pregnant again by now, but I have some medical issues that are postponing that. I would like one or two more children but I'm getting old (turn 36 tomorrow) so we'll have to see what God has in store for us.
I'm sort of in the same boat you are! My husband is just sold on 2 for now, and when we got married, I thought 4-5 would be great. Now I think I'd eventually like 3, but maybe 4. I think it would be great to end up with 2 boys/ 2 girls. I doubt I'll be able to twist my husband's arm to 4 though, so I'd ';settle'; for a boy, a girl, and a ';surprise'; :)
Are you expecting now, or have any kids yet? :) Hubby will come around! I was ready for kids for about a year before my husband let us conceive our baby. I'm due in April with our first daughter- Eleanor Yvonne. :)
My husband wanted a big family, there was an 8 year age gap between him and his brother. I on the other hand had 3 brothers. I told him he'd be lucky if he got one. Well we ended up with 3 two girls, and a boy. the largest gap is between our son and our youngest daughter they're 4 years apart. But when you factor in my brothers and their kids there are a few around for family get together's. My oldest brother has 2 sons and a daughter, my brother who is 2 years older than me has 2 girls and two boys and my younger brother has a that's enough kids
We both want 2, we have one 1.. We want 2 because our first needs a sibling, we don't want more then 2 because we look forward to relaxing again (years from now!!)! I wouldn't say he's very vocal about it, we only talk about it when I bring it up. Right now we're deciding when to have the next, our first is two years old.
Don't push him if he doesn't want 4 or 5, goodness that's a lot of kids!!
At the same time, you BOTH need to be happy... See if he'll settle for 3 first, maybe he'll change his mind later. You might change your mind too, your life will change dramatically after just the first! I can't imagine having 5!!!
Good luck to you either way!!
He used to say ';at least'; 4; now he says ';about'; 4. Yes, he's quite vocal. He grew up with four, so he feels that's the ';right'; number. But he also says that, ultimately, it's my choice. (Awww...he's a great guy!)
We have no kids yet. Going to start trying soon. I'm hoping his number goes down after we've had a few. I feel I'll be good at three!
My husband only wants 1. I want another but he says no. He refuses to even discuss it. I think it is good to agree before you start. It turns out I LOVE being a mom and I like kids. He loves our son, but he is not a kid person. If I would have known that before marriage (maybe I knew but thought I could change his mind) I have to say, I probably wouldn't have married him. Harsh but true.
My husband wanted as many as it took to give him a boy. For us we got a boy the first time (we have a daughter but she is not his biological child although he is the only man she knows as her dad). I wanted 3 kids and he wanted to stop at the 2 that we had since it was one boy and one girl already. We ended up with 3, two girls and a boy.
Once you have the first one you may change your mind, they are a lot of work to care for even though they are worth it. I have one and would like to have one more but that would be it. I told my husband if we have one more than he gets the knife and he agrees.
he wants 4 or more.. i always said i wanted 5 or 6.. now that i have one and i get no help what so ever with her at all....shes all i want. its easy for him to say he wants as many as possible when he is gone all day and when he is home sits on the computer leaving me as a single mother 24/7 . If i could do that.. i would love to have a bunch more lol
My husband wants 2 for financial reason. i want 4. We currently have 2 boys and since we have not had a girl yet my husband is open to the idea of having more but not for a few years to see how our financial situation will pan out.
MORE?! Omg. xD You sure you can handle that many children? 4 is a lot, let alone more... :/ Your husband wants enough kids as is. Think about your finances and whether you can afford to have a child.
Honestly once you have had 1 or 2 he is unlikely to say no for long to more, if he sees that you really are desperate for more he will do it for you!
He has 2 with previous wife, he really only wants three, he has one with me, and would like another, but that makes 4, so we are thinking of getting rid of the two from x-wife!
My husband wants 2 more kids but we have a 1 year old daughter and she is a bit more than a handful so I don't think that I want one at this very moment.
honey im divioce now and all my childrens is almost grown i'm already calling for freedom!! and i have three boys .... no girl(frowning)with sad look!
My husband wants somewhere between 3 to 6 out of me. I want that many too, I just don't know how we are going to pay for them!!
he wants five but realistically speaking we can only afford 2, so 2 it is.
in the beginning as many as we could have.
now we are stopping at three. children are VERY busy and they take up alot of time.
None, We both agree on that...We both think that this world is not suitable to raise children in and we're not patient ppl.
Mine says one, in ten years haha. I don't want many, though. Maybe two.
She said she wants 10 kids lol but i'm only giving her 3 and she's popping 1 out
im the opposite..he wants 4-5 and i want 2 not budging lol so good luck getting him to
He would probably have as many as he could give me. Lucky for me I'm smart and don't let him.
6: 5 boys first and then a girl so that she will have her older brothers to protect her.
your lucky that he wants two! husband was dead set on one child but after our beautiful son was born he gave in and we had one more now Im soooo happy with my two beautiful boys!
In the beginning 6, now 2...Yeah!!!!!
NOOOOOOO believe me you dont want that much. two is MOOOORE THAN ENOUGH. i swear to god you dont. its sooooooooooooooooo hard (im 12 yrs old) lol
Wow, imagine your stretch marks!!
And loose vagina!
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