Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How can I encorage my husband today?

He's had a really rough day. He's going to school and working full time, and today is one of those test filled days and as far as his job, paprerwork to the ceiling. I was writing him a note trying to encorage him, and then I realized my Yahoo answers friends could probably come up with some encoraging words or something nice i can do for him. He usually is so upbeat, but today is just one of those days.How can I encorage my husband today?
whats with these people, guys are so much simpler than all this fancy stuff. Just give him the tv remote and a cold beer, let him talk about the day or just veg, whatever works for him, the down time is whats important. Yeah sex later tonight is a great stress reliever if your in the mood. But seriously candle light dinners and stuff for a guy , common people.How can I encorage my husband today?
Just remind him that you appreciate him and how hard he works. Let him know how much you love him and how hard he is working. Offer to give him a night of relaxation and a night of where you take care of him and all he has to do is lay back and enjoy. I agree about not doing the candlelight dinner etc thing. What I do is just text and let him know i appreciate and love him. And then throw in there about the night of relaxation etc. And that includes down time to just veg out and then the pampering in the bedroom either later or another day, depending on if he wants it then or not.
You are good wife,

Just try to come to him and give him some thee or coffie what he like. Then try to ask him did yo u distrub him or not coz some man they like to get space if he has some problem. let him alone for awhile if he wish to. If he is kin dtype of person the one like to be closed always with someone who he loves, just ask her rest for awhile ..give him massage but don talk to much.he will enjoy it. and with little messege tell him that you love him so much and yo appreciate with all what he done for the family...

I hope can help you dear....

this is what I did to get my overworked man's attention.

Snuck up behind him in his den, wearing 3 post-it notes, strategically placed of course. gave him a well deserved break and let him know that I appreciated everyhing he was doing and let him know he had my support as well as my...well, you know.
Make him his favorite dinner, complete with candles and wine; then give him a nice massage and let him know how much he's appreciated for all that he's doing. A simple gesture goes a long way.
Tell him you can't wait to see him tonight, and that you'll be waiting for him........naked.
Oral sex. Seriously, this isn't a joke answer. Oral sex after a hard day will make him feel a lot better.
Make him dinner, give him a massage, then a nice bj and go to sleep.
Have you tried giving him Adderall?
Hot wild sex, dress up maybe :P
what they said

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