I am 28 and my husband is 30. I really want to try to have our 1st child. I was pregnant a little over a year ago and misscarried and all I want is to try again. He doesn't want to for financial reasons. Unfortunately I cannot stay at home and we rely on my income too. I am trying to start up a business as well as work full time. Hopefully I will be succesfull in the future. I know we can make it work. I really want to have a few children and I want to start soon. Any advice on how to convince ny husband?How can I talk my husband into trying to conceive?
If everyone waited for the perfect time to have a child, no babies would EVER be born. There's no such thing as a perfect time to have a child - You can always wait for the better job, the raise, the bigger house, the bills or loans to get paid, the crime rate to drop - whatever. The point is, if you want a child and feel that you can care for one, then have one. Because even if you wait, new complications will come up in life to delay it forever - there's always something. At least having a child now, you'll have youth on your side. You really just can't control much in this life. Sure, tomorrow you might make more money, if that's the obstacle, but then you could also lose your job the day after. Who's to say? Life happens, so do what you want to do.How can I talk my husband into trying to conceive?
dont talk him into it...he has to want to have kids otherwise he may end up resenting you for pushing him into something that he isnt ready for.
Be around children and have a smile on your face while you hold and care for them. He might see that you were made to take care of one of your own. Drop hints and hints. Have a romantic dinner and try to sway it towards something more... well, you know. Sign up for a little foster care and bring in a child for a while. It'll be benifiting for the child and for you and your husband. Or get him drunk and talk him into it then. Hehe!
Just casually bring up, that you don't want to be stuck in a nursing home during your childs highschool graduation.
Show him Scripture!
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psalm127:3
When it is the right time, you will both be in agreement. I know it is hard to wait, I am almost 30 with no kids. I am sure that when God has you ready to be parents, you will get pregnant. God's timing is perfect.
Do it when you are BOTH ready. No one should have parenthood forced upon them. It isn't fair to either of you or the baby. You are only 28. You have plenty of time.
Take a little time to think about it from his view as well as your financial state.If you can afford it and he really wants children too, then it will happen.Things have a way of working out in the end. IF ALL ELSE FAILS USE THE GOOD OLD TAX CREDIT TO STOP HIS FINANCIAL DEBATE
I'm 28, and I am in sortof the same boat as you. May I suggest to ';quiet the clock';, adopt a puppy or kitten from a local animal shelter. This may help you in more ways than one: maternal need to nurture, and help you gain responsibilty as a ';parent';. It has really helped me open my eyes and has helped keep the ticking out of my head, if you know what I mean. Having kids is such a big commitment and financial strain. If you guys are having $ issues, it will only be more difficult with one more mouth to feed. Don't push the issue..it will happen if it's meant to happen. In the mean time, find a really cute four-legged baby to love. Vet bills can be pricey, but for the time being, it may be what you need. Good luck.
just hint cough cough make him jealous.
Do you think he will be a good father if you have to convince him to have a baby. Wait till your more stable
Biologically speaking, if you want to have more than 1 child, you need to start soon because the risk of having a child with Down's Syndrome increases greatly after 35. Remind him that it almost happend a year ago, and I assume you were both happy about it. I assume your financial situation wasn't much better at that point, but you were willing to make it work then, so why not now? Your career can wait, and he needs to know that having a child is important to you right now, and money can come second. If there is love, you can always make things work.
I would suggest a date to really sit and talk about your feelings. Give him reasons facts that would prove to him that you guys r ready. He does have a good point though, you dont want to bring a baby in this world and have to struggle to raise him/her. You want the best for your child so i can see his point of view also. So as long as you can prove that you all are ready I don't see why he should have a problem with it
i dont think you two are ready for a child maybe in the future when you do have the economic status you want you can because if you have it now it will only complicate thing with your husband you two need to agree before having this child
sorry about the miscariage:(
good luck
I don't think you should attempt to talk your husband into having a child. If he's not ready, for whatever reason, I think you need to listen to his feelings as well. I think it's a great idea to sit down and have a conversation about how you are both feeling with no pressure to come to an agreement right then. A little while later, sit down and talk again to see if anything has changed. You do have time to have children and it's always much easier if you are financially stable when you do.
bring home some beer and a sexy outfit and ride him like a horse
Im having the same problem except I already have two girls and would like to have our third child but he doesnt want to at all. I wrote my question on this site and I got some mean answers. So my advice to you is dont listen to these people who say how wrong you are to pressure him into doing something that effects him in every way that he doesnt want at all.If you dont have a child then your going to regret it. So talk to him untill your blue in the face if you want, its your life, he'd love to have a baby he's probably scared of being hurt and let down again.Im also sorry for your lose. I cant imagine what yall went threw. So good luck. I hope yall both get what yall want.If you do get him to agree to have a baby then write me and give me some advice.
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