Sunday, August 22, 2010

What if I want to leave, but I still care for my husband?

I want to leave but I still care for him. We have five children togeather but I am not happy in this relationship. I feel like Im missing something in my life. What should i do? Should I be selfish and just leave or should I try and work on things.What if I want to leave, but I still care for my husband?
It's odd that you seem to think you have to leave your marriage to get whatever you're missing. Unless it's random sex with a lot of guys, get whatever you're missing and stay married. I did. Since being married, I have had children, gone on trips (with my wife), completed a master's degree, bought more than one new car, and much, much more. It would take a long time to list all the things I've achieved and done since I got married 23 years ago.What if I want to leave, but I still care for my husband?
After sacrificing so much for so many children it's no wonder that you feel lost. You still care for your husband so stay and fix the marriage. Change some things to make you happier. ';Date'; your husband and do things that remind you that you are an individual as well as a mom. Talk with your husband about what you need in this relationship. If he is unwilling to yield or help make things better then it will be up to you to do what is necessary to make it so.

As a side note , being a single mom with 5 kids isn't going to leave you much time to explore whatever it is that you think that you are missing.
OK sweetie Calgon can't take you away from this one. You have five children to take into consideration before you go trying to escape. The thing is that you can't run from the problems you have to face them and knock them down. Only you know what your missing and you say that you still love him so why would you want to leave. Find your passion. Think about how your life would be in reality if you left, Not what you dream it could be like.
I'm kind of in the same boat. It depends on whether he is willing to work on things with you to make you happy. If you have not told him you are unhappy, you need to. In my case, my husband is in medical school and has little time for me. When I tell him I do not get enough time with him, he say, '; I don't even get enough time with myself.'; I am depressed and starting to notice other men, which is not good either. Talk to him. If he is not willing to improve on things and you can support yoursefl and kids, then move on. How old are they? I divorced when mine were 3 and 5 and not they are 10 and 12 and I have an 18 month old with my new husband.
You are being selfish.

You are leaving him because something is missing in your life?

Stop blaming him for your life-choices. You are responsible for you.

If it is things in your marriage that are lacking, do you really think he's fantastically happy but you're not?

Negotiate for change. Change takes times; commit six months minimum if not a year to making things better.

Book in the source is marriage-counseling written down.
My strongest suggestion is to get into some marriage counseling with your husband. If he refuses to go to counseling, then get yourself into counseling by yourself. Here is my guess with the little bit of information you provided to us. I suspect you got married too young because you had stars of romance in your eyes, you got pregnant pretty fast because it felt romantic to have a baby right away, and now you have five times the ';romance'; with five kids. Now that the reality of the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood have hit you square between the eyes, you now realize that you did all this way too young and too fast. And you wonder what else is out there that you never got the chance to sample.

What exactly are you unhappy about? Does he beat you? Is the sex bad? Do the two of you not communicate? Is he lazy? What? Figure that out, take it into your counseling with you and make the effort to get yourself centered. Then decide if you want to stay or go.
You really need to work on things. You have 5 children together so I find it hard to believe that it can't be fixed. Often when I see this happen it's because someone (you) have found someone else that might be paying some attention to you and he isn't anymore. Life can get in the way especially when you have 5 children. Do your best to remember why you fell in love with him and try to create those feeling again. Good luck
For every ones sake try to work it out!, if you can, especially when so many peoples futures are in your hands, I realize, things can get tough but you say you still care for your man!, you can make a love restart but it needs work for both partnersand sometimes it is very hard! If every thing fails, well then it is up to you, Good luck to you all...
If you don't love the guy then its best for everyone that you leave. Its not the old days when you stayed because of the kids. Hey you fell out of love and you are going to end up having an affair if you don't leave.So its best that you leave then you won't have to feel guilty when you make love to the new guy. Good luck and I know you will make the correct choice.
You love your husband and its just few things I think you had to compromise - the problem is you if you cannot compromise. Think of leaving him if he - beats you/ insults you / doesn't financially supports his family/ is cheating on you/ is a drug addict - other than these small arguments do happen just come level down to work on those.
talk to a marriage counselor (spelling?) first, and try to get to the root of the problem(s) before walking out.

sometimes marriages (relationships) end and it's nobody's fault, but do whatever it takes to try to make it work first, and good luck.
Tell him that you want to have an open relationship...That means you can still be together but you can have friends on the side that you can have at the same time with him and your kids...then everyone is happy
Work on things.

We chase fleeting feelings and excitement - and find it is empty.

Your marriage can offer everything you need. Fix up your house, don't sell it to buy a different house full of someone else's problems.
Try and work on things. Every marriage can be fixed. Maybe go on a vacation just the two of you or go to marriage counseling.
Have you tried counseling? If you leave without trying working on it you might have regrets Remember your actions will affect the kids also.
if you still care for him then you should work it out! dont leave until you can just walk off and have no regrets or QUESTIONS or hurt or anything.
Its a marriage depending on the reasons youre not happy would determine this.......a marriage takes work....maybe counseling. Unless there is abuse then I say GO
morally you stay selfishly you should leave!
Stay married.
work on it x

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