Friday, August 20, 2010

What will happen if a husband is abusing her filipina wife (who had fiance' visa)right after they got married?

I just want to know what will happen if a US Citizen who married a filipina wife(who had fiance' visa) is abusing her wife (physical abuse) right after they got married. does the wife has still the choice or chance to stay in US or she has to go back to the Philippines.??

Answer asap pls. thank you.What will happen if a husband is abusing her filipina wife (who had fiance' visa)right after they got married?
try contacting Citizens advice, or some other free legal advice center.

This kind of question really needs t be answered by a professional with visa experience.

Good luck hun, hope you're OK and have support around youWhat will happen if a husband is abusing her filipina wife (who had fiance' visa)right after they got married?
As an abused spouse she should be able to stay, What she must to do is make a record of all the abuse, call the police and file a complaint. that is the proof that will be required to stay in the US. you did not mention how long she has been married and in the states. If she is still being abused she should find a shelter for abused wives. they also may assist her by documenting the abuse.
Immigration laws vary accordingly, but domestic abuse doesn't mean deportation, I believe if you are beating your wife maybe someone should beat you. I have to ask if you are a man asking this question because it sounds like a scared lil boy who just beat up his wife regardless of her nationality and should have his *** kicked, if this is the case.
The wife should worry about her personal safety first. Spousal abuse is not a matter that should be taken lightly. First and foremost, report it to the police. Figure out the rest later.

Seek help, both legal and law enforcement, right away.
no, she doesn't have a chance to stay in us. she might have a chance to stay if she got citizenship or some kids together. if she is on fiance visa she has no status at all. she will be sent home immediately after her visa ends or become an illegal alien
if she is married then she should have proof of the abuse and report him and maybe then they will continue giving her the visa. ONLY IF SHE IS MARRIED

good luck!
I think she might be able to apply for citizenship after being here in the states for 5 years or more.There is a 5 to 600.dollar or so fee but I think she might be able to apply possibly.
Whatever status she has.......she shouldn't be abused........she is a human being.......which should be treated equally.

When visa runs out your out .
just call 911 to be safe.
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