Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is it normal for my husband to often go directly to his parents after work instead of coming home 1st?

He could come to our house first and invite me to join him in his visit but he doesn't They are active independent people so he is not there to perform chores for them.He also refers to his parents house as ';his house';.He claims that is because he was there for a long time.He is now 45 yrs. old we have been married for almost 6yrs,I feel ';his house ';should be his home where he lives with .Am I overblowing this? .Is it normal for my husband to often go directly to his parents after work instead of coming home 1st?
Way Over Blowing this, relax its His ParentsIs it normal for my husband to often go directly to his parents after work instead of coming home 1st?
hate to say this but my EX-husband did the very same thing. We lived next door to his parents for the first six months of our marriage and he would go straight over there before coming in the house....and then he wondered why I was mad when he spent an hour over there and I'm sitting at the table with dinner ready.

We are no longer married. This wasn't the only issue but his mother especially definitely didn't help our marital problems and it was due to the lack of ';cutting the cord'; that caused a lot of them.

I don't think you're overblowing it but after six years I'm not sure what you can do to get it to stop.
No, you're right, but you're fighting a losing battle. If you haven't mentioned that you want to go with him, you might do that. Otherwise, there's not much you can do without his resenting it. I know a woman who got out the Bible and showed her husband where it says something to the effect of a man shall leave his parents and be with his wife, and Wow! the husband and his parents both got really mad and it caused lots of problems.

You have to pick your battles; I'm not sure this is one I'd pick. But this is just my opinion. Hopefully, someone will have a solution.
No, you're not overblowing the situation. He should come home. He is unaturally attached. If you are close enough to your in-laws, ask his mother what you can what is his favorite dish growing up, etc...They are probably going to have to tell him he needs to GO HOME to his WIFE..and what's he doing there. Otherwise, if this just started recently, you might want to show up at his parents house for dinner to ';cook dinner'; with mom and see if he shows up.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with his behavior. I am sure that he calls your house his house also. I still call my parents house My House as well as my own and I have been married for almost 20 years. I think that it is good that he has a close bond with his family. He could be doing something wrong like going to a strip club or meeting up with some other girl before coming home. Count your blessings and the next time you see him give him a big hug for being such a decent gut!!
When i first started reading I was thinking this has to be a young guy but 45?? Come on! Did u marry someone that was still living with his parents until 39 years old? He is still in his routine of going home to his parents everyday. Time for him to move on and come home like a real man - not mummy's boy.
I had a husband who did this before.

I found out that............he liked his mom's cooking better, she spoiled him and he felt better taking a dump there, instead of our home.

I guess I may of overblown this too, but then again, he was cheating with his cousin and she was always over at his moms.
I think that your husband is doing something at his parent's house that he can't do at your house. Probably has myspace account or signed up to a secret dating site. Porn?? There's definitely something. Look and you will find.


........|..........2 Points..........


you are not overblowing hits! is time to CUT his UMBILICAL cord and he needs to learn to live his life with his wife and not be a momma's boy!!!
Not at all. Your house is his house, not his parents. I wonder how his parents feel about this. Did he live with them until you all got a house?
Have you asked him why he always goes there first? I do think that's weird. He should come home to you.
have you tried telling him how you feel?

and i am on ur side with this.
I don't think your overreacting at all. He needs to understand that his wife comes first

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