Thursday, July 29, 2010

How can I get my husband to help me when it comes to housework?

duh ask himHow can I get my husband to help me when it comes to housework?
Well that all depends. Are you both working? If you are a stay at home wife, I think you are obligated to do the house work. If you are both working, I think you should hold out on sex until he starts helping. I know that would make me help and I am a pretty lazy guy when it comes to house work.How can I get my husband to help me when it comes to housework?
whatever you do, don't nag him. it will only make matters worse. start with little things, and small rewards. here's an excellent article you'd probably want to apply to your husband.
I have been married to my husband for 8 years and in that time I have probably mopped our kitchen and bathroom 8 times. Why? He does it for me with no questions asked. How did I get so lucky? I convinced him he does so much better at the mopping that anyone I have ever seen mop a floor! Something along the lines of ';Oh honey, those floors look so great! You know when I mop 30 minutes later the floors look dirty again but when you do them the floors stay shiny for weeks!'; And I don't just say it to him - whenever the opportunity arises in conversations with family %26amp; friends I just ';brag'; on him! He also does an awesome job on bathtubs!!!

I suggest you pick the few chores you hate most and convince your husband he is so much better at those chores than you are!
let some stuff go and he will then see how much you do do around the house. but if you dont work and he does, i would not complain.
Stop doing it %26amp; show him what it's like when no one does it. Maybe then he will start helping. Go visit someone for a few days %26amp; let him deal with the housework. Just a couple of suggestions.

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