Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What would happen if my husband left his gun in my car, clip out. in an unlocked box in front seat in FLorida?

What would happen to me if my husband left his hand gun, unloaded but with full clip next to it in an unlocked box in my front seat while I was entering a military base? He has a conceiled weapons lic. ...I don't. We live in the state of FLorida.What would happen if my husband left his gun in my car, clip out. in an unlocked box in front seat in FLorida?
DOD regulations prohibit privately owned weapons from even being on base unless they have been registered with base security. Even if registered you can't transport a weapon on base except from the approved storage location, usually the armory, to the target range.

If you did inadvertently have a gun in the car I would suggest you inform them at the gate. On the seat, in the glove box or in the trunk, it makes no difference. I suspect they will store the weapon until your husband returned to show his license. The last thing you want to happen is have them find it during a search.

The link is specifically for Malstrom AFB but the same regulations exist at all bases.What would happen if my husband left his gun in my car, clip out. in an unlocked box in front seat in FLorida?
You would probably have an uncomfortable few hours, or even longer.

I think the military would take charge if you were on the base. Then

if you actually did break a law they would turn you over to civilian police also.
You would be arrested if they asked you to open the box........
Why would u drive with the gun laying on the front seat? I would be careful with it if he's not around!

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