Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How do you get your husband attention when they are mad at you?

when some1s husband is mad at them how do you get them to not be mad at u?How do you get your husband attention when they are mad at you?
BJHow do you get your husband attention when they are mad at you?
You don't. You wait eight days for him to get over it by himself.

He's just pretending you don't have his attention. Find his favorite treat....(my husband's favorite treat is ice cream), and eat it in front of him, enjoying it thoroughly. If he isn't paying attention to you, he won't notice you suddenly have ice cream.

So far, evidence has shown that he really is paying attention. Because he always gets up and goes to get his own bowl.
i tell him it is not the right time to talk about it because he raised his voice. then i left the room. a moment later i'll come back to him- he's cooled down by then, talk it over with the intention to solve it and a lower voice.
well if you want help with all of your problems

here is an email of a therapist who can help

you with all of your problems and she is for free

her name is Sigal and she would love to help

hope this will help
Use feminine wiles to change his mind. In other words, do things for him.

Don't resort to feminist ideas because they will backfire and he'll come home late, drunk and smelling of cheap perfume.

I make him laugh over soemthing random ---- example --- the nextdoor neighbor was taking the trash out in his underwear during a husband started cracking up and hugged me....

;) get crafty.
Give them their space. When he is ready to talk he will, but forcing an issue while someone is angry is not usually very constructive. Apologies work if you owe one.
Have a conversation with your husband, asking him why he is angry and discussing the issue like two adults.
do something that will make him smile. something that he loves when only you do it.

my husband loves when I play with him.
lol at badkitty answer... that will surely get ur husband attention!
Walk around the house naked.
give them time to get over what you did.... apologize and them give them a ********! works for my husband!! :)

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